Jennifer Marich and Elizabeth Cibotariu sit down with Ernie Anastos to discuss NJ’s lack of cottage food laws.
edible Jersey – Home Bakers Unite – Fighting New Jersey’s Ban on a Cottage Industry
Growing up in Brazil, Martha Rabello, who now lives in Fanwood with her husband and three young children, loved the coffee and sweets that her grandmother served every day at 3pm. After settling in the United States in 2005, Rabello attended the pastry program at Manhattan’s Institute for Culinary Education, graduating in 2009. She subsequently…
Union News Daily – Home bakers sue state to be able to sell creations
CRANFORD, NJ — Martha Rabello used to run her own bakery. Not anymore. The Cranford mother of two was trained as a pastry chef in Brooklyn and specialized in Brazilian-inspired cookies that pair well with coffee. She rented a commercial-grade kitchen, required by New Jersey state law, but the cost was so burdensome, she stopped, halting…
Forbes – Unlike 49 States, New Jersey Bans Selling Home-Baked Goods
After escaping an abusive relationship, Heather Russinko found herself living paycheck to paycheck. For Heather, baking became a way to recover, and bond with her son. At first, she sold her baked goods to support her son’s school fundraisers. But over time, her signature cake pops became a hit. Soon Heather started receiving requests from…
New Jersey Herald – Franklin mom fights for right to sell home-baked goodies
FRANKLIN — For single mom Heather Russinko, the desire to fight for change started with a cake pop. “I’m a pretty decent baker,” said Russinko, of Franklin. “I have always made cookies and cake pops for birthday parties and things around the neighborhood, and when I started looking for a way to supplement my income,…
Press of Atlantic City – Legislators, not court, should decide sale of home-baked goods
New Jersey seems to never miss an opportunity to send a message that it is an overly regulated state unfriendly to business. The latest is state legislators making home bakers sue the state to be allowed to sell limited amounts of their breads, cakes, cookies and such. Democrats in the state Senate have blocked voting…
CBS This Morning – New Jersey’s home-baked goods ban prevents mom from extra income
Selling homemade baked goods in New Jersey is no piece of cake. It is the only state where home bakers can sell treats for charity, but not for profit. Now, home bakers there are suing the government over a law that bans the sale of items not made in a commercial-grade kitchen. For Heather…
Burlington County Times – Home bakers feel burned by NJ ban
Selling baked goods prepared in a home kitchen in New Jersey is far from easy as pie. New Jersey is the only state to completely ban the commercial sale of food made in a home kitchen, including foods deemed not potentially hazardous, such as cookies, breads, muffins and other goods that are shelf-stable and do… – Did you know it’s illegal to sell home-baked goods in N.J.?
A group of home bakers are suing to overturn a New Jersey law that says they can’t bake their cakes and make money too. A lawsuit they said they’re filing in state Superior Court seeks to “vindicate the right of New Jerseyans to earn an honest living by selling safe and delicious home-baked goods and…
New Jersey 101.5 – Stay-at-home moms suing New Jersey over right to sell cookies Read More: Stay-at-home moms suing New Jersey over right to sell cookies
ELIZABETH — A group of stay-at-home mothers are suing the state Health Department in a challenge to a law prohibiting home-baked goods from being sold to the public. The lawsuit by the New Jersey Home Bakers Association and three of its members argues that the law is discriminatory because it allows home-baked goods to be…